My Contribution
I volunteered for Blood Transfusion Service for the first time in 2003 in INDIA. I came to know about service through my friend, who has volunteered already. I assisted in organizing blood donation camps, aimed at providing blood for Thalassemia patients. There is always a feeling of satisfaction obtained from working for something that matters. There are children who depend on regular blood transfusions for their survival, and we must assist where we can. It was an enlightening experience. I learned about several aspects of blood donation, and also donated blood for the first time. Starting from helping donors fill forms, to advising them on post donation precautions, every component of a blood donation camp must function like clockwork for best results. Since than I helped organizing 4 camps, in university & residential society as well. I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout at each and every camp. This was a great learning experience for me, as I managed to learn about various aspects such as the pre-requisite conditions required for a donor to be eligible to donate, various precautions to take during post donation, and a general idea of how a blood donation camp is organized. Hopefully with some more experience in the future, I will be able to organize a blood donation camp myself and help those in need.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. Will continue to serve the people of CANADA now. The concept of National Service Scheme was started in the year 1969 to build sense of social responsibility through teacher and students involvement in constructive service with the motto of “Not Me But You”. I worked as a volunteer in rural areas and adopted villages to the serving the cause of society through survey, education and health awareness programs. This study involves in identifying the importance, aims and objectives of NSS in higher education which in turn created social responsibility among me. Besides paying back to society understood the community in which they work. Developed competence required for sharing of responsibilities to gain skills in mobilizing community participation. Learned leadership qualities at that young age by building capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
IL&FS Skills Development Corporation Limited is one of India’s largest vocational and employability training companies. It is a joint venture between IL&FS Education and Technology Services Limited (IL&FS Education) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) of India. Started as a pilot program for the textile sector, IL&FS Skills was set up in 2011 to address the increasing demand of trained manpower for newly created jobs. Helped new joiners in Trident Group to learn Business practices being followed as part of induction training under joint venture with IL&FS. Contributing towards India’s Social Economic Growth with this initiative. I have trained almost 120 members in multiple batches empowering them socially and economically. The induction of trainees into the Trident's workforce through jobs of dignity and practical knowledge has brought about a shift in their overall attitude towards skills.
I am working on building a volunteering team with intention of organizing Blood donation camps again in CANADA.